60ml jar entomological glue

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PRODUCER : EntomoAlex-gr

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6,60 € tax incl.

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Formulated , tested and produced in our workshop 60ml

This special entomological glues Polyvinyl Alcohol based, has been long tested and it's perfect for gluying your insects on glue boards.

This kind of glue totally melts in water in some minutes if you need to remove the specimen from the glue board simply soak all in water and it will detach in a while.

We have two different density, one is 5/6 used to fill our 15ml dropper bottles and it's suitable for very small beetles.

The other 30ml and 80ml jars are filled with the other density of 6/6, more dense, for bigger beetles.

This glue has a perfect viscosity and dries fast and it is super transparent when dry.

The very tiny tip on our 15ml dropper bottles allows you to put glue dropping it directly from the bottle , it makes very small dots . The glue contains an antifungal substance.


Colla ad asciugatura medio rapida , al bisogno basta qualche minuto in acqua per scollare l'esemplare - contiene sostanza antifungina , prodotto soggetto a calo naturale , in caso diluire con pochissima acqua distillata e amalgamare bene per sciogliere con un utensile fino ad ottenere la viscosita' desiderata.

Medium fast drying glue, in the need put the specimen in water and wait some minutes to remove it from the glue board , with antifungal substance.
Product subject to natural weight loss in case add some demineralized water and stirr with a small tool till you reach the desired density and viscosity