In entomology these tubes are mostly used, for the smaller sizes, to store beetles under liquids, the bigger sizes are commonly used for collecting beetles using them as killing tubes with chemicals added.
All our tubes have screwcap, and depending on models some have conical or self standing bottom, some of them with connection build in plug in...
In entomology these tubes are mostly used, for the smaller sizes, to store beetles under liquids, the bigger sizes are commonly used for collecting beetles using them as killing tubes with chemicals added.
All our tubes have screwcap, and depending on models some have conical or self standing bottom, some of them with connection build in plug in the cap and, where specified some might have O-ring washer under cap for an even better leak proof.
Graduations in silk-screen printing applied on some sizes makes identification easy.
Our Freezing tubes are made of pure virgin Polypropylene and are DNAse, RNase and progen free
We offer all the available sizes in many different lots and on demand we also sell wholesale
Centrifuge test tube ( commonly named eppendorf )
These vials are usefull for many uses , storing of small specimens under liquid for the small sizes to collecting tubes for the larger sizes , these flipcap tubes despite they do not have screwcap or O-rings are quite leak proof but not very suitable for long terms storage of beetles under liquid as it can evaporate.
These are anyway comfortable to be used for your exchanges for the convenient price , the many different sizes and the easy closure of their caps and are resistant to all chemicals.
Graduations in silk-screen printing applied on some sizes makes identification easy.
Our centrifuge tubes are made of pure virgin Polypropylene and are DNAse, RNase and progen free.
We offer all the available sizes in many different lots and on demand we also sell wholesale
With the term "freezing" we usually mean laboratory tubes with screwcap that are produced in state of art using high purity virgin polypropylene and manufactured to be used at temperature between -80° to + 121° C
In entomology these tubes are mostly used, for the smaller sizes, to store beetles under liquids, the bigger sizes are commonly used for collecting beetlesusing them as killing tubes with chemicals added.
All our tubes have screwcap, and depending on models some have conical or self standing bottom, some of them with connection build in plug in the cap and, where specified some might have O-ring washer under cap for an even better leak proof.
Graduations in silk-screen printing applied on some sizes makes identification easy.
Our Freezing tubes are made of pure virgin Polypropylene and are DNAse, RNase and progen free.
We offer all the available sizes in many different lots and on demand we also sell wholesale
These practical test tubes are made of polyetylene resistant to all chemicals and with a very good leakproof , with these containers you can collect easily opening the tube with one hand only and reclosing it in the same way and you never lose the caps.
Available in small lots 5x 10x 25x but on demand we also sell wholesale MADE IN ITALY
These practical test tubes are made of polyetylene resistant to all chemicals and with a very good leakproof , with these containers you can collect easily opening the tube with one hand only and reclosing it in the same way as the caps are very soft and do not need much efforts to be closed
These tubes are also graduated useful if you need to use them with fluids
Also very usefull to ship alive larves and beetles just making some holes on the soft cap
Available in small lots 5x 10x 25x but on demand we also sell wholesale MADE IN ITALY
HDPE container with screwcap
These container are made of pure food grade Polyetilene, they have subcap and a good leak proof.
Commonly used to collect beetles, in the small models using them as killing container with killing fluids , for the bigger size many entomologists use them as collecting containers for alive beetles, full anthill, big spiders.
Also used for fluids you can fill and refill them many times ,we sell them in a wide range of sizes and lots. They are resistant to all chemicals MADE IN ITALY
PE sample containers with screwcap
These container are made of Polyetilene, with a very good leak proof.
Commonly used to collect beetles as killing jars , they can also be used for catching alive insects , many customers buy these as containers , making some holes on the cap for shipping of alive beetles and larvs.
Also used for fluids you can fill and refill them many times ,we sell them in a wide range of sizes and lots. They are resistant to all chemicals agents.
PP press cap containers 365ml
These are the containers we are using for multiple uses , from breeding meshed containers to subterranean traps, and also these are the containers we have in our Winklers and Conical beating sheet as collecting containers.
Here are sold plain with full cap not very good for collecting on fields as the press cap doesn't seal well, they can suddently open in your bag
But despite this trouble they might have these are perfect used for breeding insects which need humidity, these containers are also used for keeping under liquid lots of insects, they can be overlayed on each other to save space and be used as pitfall traps.
Disposable plastic pasteur pipettes
Made of LDPE ( Low Density Polyetilene ) these pipettes are usefull for many uses , from feeding fishes in acquarium commonly used to give medicine to reptiles or simply as droppers for manhy of our entomological daily uses such as filling small eppendorf tubes and so on .
We offer all the available sizes in many different lots and on demand we also sell wholesale
These pipettes are the professional ones used in laboratory you can use them for filling small eppendorf with your favorite fluid taking it directly from the bottle.
aseptic petri dishes made of PS ( Polystyrene ) highly transparent for bacterical cultures or simply as a container
Adhesive labels produced with shiny paper 100 pcs already printed, easy to label your test tubes or vials, containers for a faster and accurate identification of what they contain
size : 20mm x 34mm
HDPE droppers
With the term HDPE we mean high density polyethylene , these small dropper bottles are mostly used to keep small lots of fluids ready for your daily uses.
Instead of having big bottles of chemicals on your desk just refill this small ones with your favorite fluids put a label with the name of the substance and you will have your desk free of bulky bottles.
These are also perfect for your hunting in fields, you can always have small amount of killing fluids with you instead of a full bottle and are resistant to all chemicals.
Available in small lots 5x 10x but on demand we also sell wholesale
PP screwcap collecting bottles
These bottles are the ones we use to produce our MAXI aspirators, killing jars with pressed cotton and flipcap tube , here sold plain as collecting bottles
These bottles are made of food grade Polypropilene resistant to any chemicals with screwcap and a subcap supplied in various sizes and lots MADE IN ITALY
HDPE bottles with screwcap
These bottles are made of pure food grade high density Polyetilene , they have subcap and a good leak proof.
Commonly used if you buy your fluids in tanks you can fill and refill them many times ,we sell them in a wide range of sizes and lots. They are resistant to all chemicals MADE IN ITALY
good selection of tough and thick bottles made of amber glass for all your liquids which are sensitive to direct sunlight exposition
with super tight screwcap with gasket liner
HDPE Bottles
with the term HDPE we mean high density polyetilene , these small bottles are mostly used to keep small lots of fluids ready for your daily uses.
Instead of having big bottles of chemicals on your desk just refill this small ones with your favorite fluids put a label with the name of the substance and you will have your desk free of bulky bottles.
They are resistant to all chemicals
Usefull for filling of killing liquid the cotton or paper to be inserted into your killing jars
no need to open the bottle and close it again here in one step you open the cap push the cotton down and it gets filled of liquid
SIZE: 10x45mm discount on quantity 10-25-50-100 pcs CHOSE THE QUANTITY YOU NEED HERE >> SIZE: 10x45mm discount on quantity 10-25-50-100 pcs CHOSE THE QUANTITY YOU NEED HERE >>
SIZE: 30X85mm SIZE: 30X85mm
SIZE: 30X85mm SIZE: 30X85mm
100ml 105mm x 45mm diam x1-x5 pcs chose quantity here >> 100ml 105mm x 45mm diam x1-x5 pcs chose quantity here >>
500ml 175mm x 75mm diam 500ml 175mm x 75mm diam
SIZE: 30X85mm 100 pcs SIZE: 30X85mm 100 pcs
SIZE: 30X85mm 500 pcs SIZE: 30X85mm 500 pcs